It strikes me as a bit ironic that when we are having a ball game during the school day my personal schedule gets more attractive. Isn't that weird? Let me explain why.
First I have more time in class with my students. Second, I don't have to do lunch duty. Third, we don't have to read for an hour in the morning. And last but not least I don't have to serve the two recesses I normally do. So from around about 7:00 am to about 12:00 noon I either have students in the room or I am teaching. Hard work, no breaks. I get a modest break to eat lunch (and run to the bathroom). Then we man the concession stand and sell refreshments. Again hard work and no breaks!
I was tickled when I could support our teams by providing paint and paintbrushes to some of our loyal fans. Since I had to man the concession stand I could only set out the supplies for the group and then I had to leave it in their hands and hope they could be responsible to behave and clean up after themselves. They did a great job- aren't they just beautiful?! Just another affirmation that HMS is just the best school!
I love how supportive you are of your students. And I'm sure it doesn't hurt that you don't have to stand outside during the day when there are games!
where did you go liz? i know you are on break so you need to update the bloggy blog! :)
It's refreshing to hear a teacher who actually likes kids and enjoys her job...BTW, the "Painted Boys" look great!
award for you on my blog!
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