Oh Brother! You know it can be so easy to get drawn into the hub bub of the holiday season. the competition is outrageous...at the grocery store ...at the mall...just driving around. So it was with some trepidation that I got up this morning. We made the plans last night. Connell and Darrell were going to walk @ 8:00. I was headed out to Walmarts to get the last minute items for our part in the Thanksgiving dinner. As I was getting dressed and clean I had the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and i got to see many floats , balloons,and bands. They also had the cast from the Broadway musical "Mary Poppins". This was so pleasant and nostalgic that I was beginning to worry about when the stress would start. I started to dread going to Walmarts' because I thought it was going to be crowded and crazy. Welllllll....I pulled into the parking lot with ease and found a parking spot right next to the door.No Crowds! I thought that maybe I just missed the swarm well to make a long story short- I had a marvelous morning a great afternoon and then dinner at Candy's and Ronnie's
Thursday, November 27, 2008
It's Thanksgiving Time in Tennessee
Oh Brother! You know it can be so easy to get drawn into the hub bub of the holiday season. the competition is outrageous...at the grocery store ...at the mall...just driving around. So it was with some trepidation that I got up this morning. We made the plans last night. Connell and Darrell were going to walk @ 8:00. I was headed out to Walmarts to get the last minute items for our part in the Thanksgiving dinner. As I was getting dressed and clean I had the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade and i got to see many floats , balloons,and bands. They also had the cast from the Broadway musical "Mary Poppins". This was so pleasant and nostalgic that I was beginning to worry about when the stress would start. I started to dread going to Walmarts' because I thought it was going to be crowded and crazy. Welllllll....I pulled into the parking lot with ease and found a parking spot right next to the door.No Crowds! I thought that maybe I just missed the swarm well to make a long story short- I had a marvelous morning a great afternoon and then dinner at Candy's and Ronnie's
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Looks like the perfect Thanksgiving day! Gorgeous family.
what a cute family picture...Connell looks like he's dropped a few these days...he must have stopped making so many sweets....but they are SO GOOD...tell me he still makes my favorite (the one w/ the oreos inside).
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