Well here we are fur sitting again. This time we have our grand fur baby "Scooter". Scooter is a toot! He is just a bit misbehaved...
for example, he evidently does not recognize his name, and tends to run the other way when called -go figure. He is a cute little mosquito of a dog that reminds me of a vampire bat and it's a good thing I like bats!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Back to School
I just want to write a line before I die and perhaps I am being hasty in my comments. I have been at the same job now going on 11 years in all that time I have constantly said that I have the best job, worked with the greatest people and that the hour commute was worth it because of the atmosphere! This year my job has changed...
I get to teach for 2 hours a day the rest of the time I am ....
watching other teachers students on the playground (1 hour a day) and
babysitting them during lunch (30minutes) every other day.
2 days a week I teach reading for 1 hour.
2 days a week I have Graphics team but it will be a different group each day.
On the days I am not doing lunch duty I will be mentoring 6 students.
And for the students who can not attend Graphics team during the school day I have opening up the art room at 6:45 to 8:00 for those who need a bit of art in the morning.
The time on the playground is killing me. We get to watch the total 6th grade class and the total 5th grade class(@150 students each) . Yesterday a sweet redheaded girl was running on the track , fell, and slid. She skinned her knee to the bone. It was bad...it grossed me totally out! Now I know that no one could have prevented the accident- but when I think that the child could have gone into shock, or what if I couldn't get the office on the phone or worst yet what if it had been me to fall?( I've fallen and I can't get up!) I am totally out of my comfort zone! I told the coaches as I was rushing to my next assignment "That's what you get when you send an amateur in to do YOUR job!" I guess we are whittling down our numbers one student at a time....
I get to teach for 2 hours a day the rest of the time I am ....
watching other teachers students on the playground (1 hour a day) and
babysitting them during lunch (30minutes) every other day.
2 days a week I teach reading for 1 hour.
2 days a week I have Graphics team but it will be a different group each day.
On the days I am not doing lunch duty I will be mentoring 6 students.
And for the students who can not attend Graphics team during the school day I have opening up the art room at 6:45 to 8:00 for those who need a bit of art in the morning.
The time on the playground is killing me. We get to watch the total 6th grade class and the total 5th grade class(@150 students each) . Yesterday a sweet redheaded girl was running on the track , fell, and slid. She skinned her knee to the bone. It was bad...it grossed me totally out! Now I know that no one could have prevented the accident- but when I think that the child could have gone into shock, or what if I couldn't get the office on the phone or worst yet what if it had been me to fall?( I've fallen and I can't get up!) I am totally out of my comfort zone! I told the coaches as I was rushing to my next assignment "That's what you get when you send an amateur in to do YOUR job!" I guess we are whittling down our numbers one student at a time....
Sunday, August 10, 2008

I don't know how this summer has been for you but around here it has been a hoot! Let's see...we
- Finally received and planted our upside-down tomatoes.
- I learned how to use Photo Story instead of Blogging for an in-service.
- Got turned on to the Wii culture.
- Visited Carrie in Pensacola, Florida.
- Got to bead in the mountains with the most fabulous women.
- Jared got married to lovely Skylar.
- Got to help out behind the scenes at Lauren Boarders Wedding.
- Got to helped with other Hospice Volunteers to create a paper quilt.
- Went to see the Emma Smith Story in Nashville.
- Started a Low Glycemic Diet.
- Learned and started to text and blog
I am sure there are many more things that I will be glad to add later but for now here we are. And what did you do on Your summer vacation?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Lauren's Wedding and Frankie

Well July is gone and with it we saw Lauren Boarders get married. The Bride was beautiful the groom -lucky! Stephanie Lantham was the photographer and I know she got some really good shots. I only have a few from when we decorated. I got to help a bit with that lovely shin-dig...and met the most incredible women named Rory. She is a blogger and in Young Women. Check her blog!
Now, if perhaps you also got to attend you may have missed see a few of my kin...
It just happened that Ronnie and Candy Austin took off across the country in a 16 person van and packed their kids and their kids kid too. They headed west...and among the passengers on that fateful voyage (cue the Gillian's Island theme) were Pat and Macy Moore. Those two were just made for the West! I am so sure they enjoyed themselves! They do have 3 fur babies who got left behind and this brings me to my point-which is.... that we did a small amount of dog sitting. Jenny Rae Farley did most of it during the week, and while we never ran in to each other at the Moore Home, I could tell she was doing a good job- we had a tiny bit more difficulty. So if you are wondering why the title and what in the world do these pictures have to do with each other-well this is the way my life runs and I love it. OK here are the fur babies /\ this is Frankie the bulldog. And these two are \/Lu-Lu and Ernie... Hey wait a minute...Ernie's showing off his best side!Talk about three individuals!

Sunday, August 3, 2008
Do You Have a Sister Stidsen?
For those of you who have never met "Sister Stidsen" - let me try to describe my observations of her!
Sister Stidsen was a fiery Brazilian women of authority and bearing. She had a lovely accent and a quick mind. I believe she had an opinion on most ever issue and was generous in sharing that opinion with you in a very direct and logical way. I was never offend by anything she did or said quite the opposite, but I was influenced by her devotion to truth and righteousness. Her devotion to God, her devotion to Family, and her devotion to those around her. She was a religious scholar. She was faithful in her reading of The Book of Mormon, The Bible and any other book of scripture that she felt was pertained to her salvation and knowledge of God. She was willing to take it upon herself to tell you if you were messing up, and what you needed to do to fix the problem. She could be your biggest fan and confident. She was magnificent. She was funny. She was so special and she was infinitely cool! I hope to goodness if you don't know someone who can be honest and kind to you, that you will seek them out, or discover them swiftly, in those little corners where we hid those gifts that are good for us. I am going to miss Sister Stidsen-even though she hasn't been in our ward for quite a while-but you better believe that there will be a roar and a shout in Heaven tonight! The Saints have been waiting along time to see her again!
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