Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School

I just want to write a line before I die and perhaps I am being hasty in my comments. I have been at the same job now going on 11 years in all that time I have constantly said that I have the best job, worked with the greatest people and that the hour commute was worth it because of the atmosphere! This year my job has changed...
I get to teach for 2 hours a day the rest of the time I am ....
watching other teachers students on the playground (1 hour a day) and
babysitting them during lunch (30minutes) every other day.
2 days a week I teach reading for 1 hour.
2 days a week I have Graphics team but it will be a different group each day.
On the days I am not doing lunch duty I will be mentoring 6 students.
And for the students who can not attend Graphics team during the school day I have opening up the art room at 6:45 to 8:00 for those who need a bit of art in the morning.
The time on the playground is killing me. We get to watch the total 6th grade class and the total 5th grade class(@150 students each) . Yesterday a sweet redheaded girl was running on the track , fell, and slid. She skinned her knee to the bone. It was grossed me totally out! Now I know that no one could have prevented the accident- but when I think that the child could have gone into shock, or what if I couldn't get the office on the phone or worst yet what if it had been me to fall?( I've fallen and I can't get up!) I am totally out of my comfort zone! I told the coaches as I was rushing to my next assignment "That's what you get when you send an amateur in to do YOUR job!" I guess we are whittling down our numbers one student at a time....


aurora said...

Oh no! Sounds like a rough start. What ever happened to being a teacher not a babysitter?

The Borders said...

They are running you wild Liz! What has caused this change? Budget cuts? I remember back in the day when they were going to cut music, art and some pe classes. Maybe they love you so much that this was the only way to keep you. It doesn't sound like as much fun with your new schedule though. Good ole TN (I am not being sarcastic- I taught in TN and MS) has the "duty free lunch" law and I guess they must have cut the aides/monitors and now you got stuck with it. So, the other teachers have their planning time when you watch their kids on the playground? Middle schoolers have recess? I am sorry you got stuck with these things. Art should not be optional in the school system, it should be a requirement! I totally needed some training! Good luck with it all and keep us updated- maybe it will get better once the routine is more normal.

liz said...

Thanks for the encouraging words! We have to do "recess" or active time because it has been mandated that every student in Tennessee will have 30 minutes a day of active time. All the aids are doing active time and lunch duty along with all the other 1000 things they do in a day. The coaches could have taught these classes but they would need another coaching position to manage the numbers legally- but if you call it active time you can get away with the numbers! Where we got our cuts were in computer class and special ed.-they went to techs instead of teachers& closed our life skills class and sent a 12 year old girl to the high school ...I bet next year they have techs teaching art too! All I can say is that if they are in such bad shape in education the job markets out there must be dismal!

liz said...

Oh...I almost forgot-I also got to do bus duty today too!

The Borders said...

Pretty soon you will be doing after school care/homework help until 6pm too...just kidding. I really hope they don't add anything else to your list. At least the kids probably love being around you!