Well July is gone and with it we saw Lauren Boarders get married. The Bride was beautiful the groom -lucky! Stephanie Lantham was the photographer and I know she got some really good shots. I only have a few from when we decorated. I got to help a bit with that lovely shin-dig...and met the most incredible women named Rory. She is a blogger and in Young Women. Check her blog!
Now, if perhaps you also got to attend you may have missed see a few of my kin...
It just happened that Ronnie and Candy Austin took off across the country in a 16 person van and packed their kids and their kids kid too. They headed west...and among the passengers on that fateful voyage (cue the Gillian's Island theme) were Pat and Macy Moore. Those two were just made for the West! I am so sure they enjoyed themselves! They do have 3 fur babies who got left behind and this brings me to my point-which is.... that we did a small amount of dog sitting. Jenny Rae Farley did most of it during the week, and while we never ran in to each other at the Moore Home, I could tell she was doing a good job- we had a tiny bit more difficulty. So if you are wondering why the title and what in the world do these pictures have to do with each other-well this is the way my life runs and I love it. OK here are the fur babies /\ this is Frankie the bulldog. And these two are \/Lu-Lu and Ernie... Hey wait a minute...Ernie's showing off his best side!Talk about three individuals!

Hi Liz!! I got your blog off of Beverly's...Hope ya don't mind!! Connell is lookin' so good in that little video...So skinny and fit!! Is that Jared's old dog cause he is not lookin' fit at all??!!...How funny!! Sure miss you guys and Miss Mandy and Brittany and Jared!!!! Tell Connell I said "Hi" and I love him!!!! I love your blog about Sis Stidsen..I loved her..I would always get mad at Andrea cause Sis Stidsen would ask her something and she would just sit there and stare off in space...She could never understand what she was saying cause of her accent..Andrea is such a dork...HAH!!!
Marlena! Good Golly so good to hear from you!Yea...doesn't Connell look good and no Jared's dog is our dog his name is Eddie and he is a Jack Russell- an obese Jack Russell...I hope all is well with you! Oh- by the way Jared got married a couple of weeks ago!Let us hear from you!
Hey Liz!
Great blog. Too cute. :)
It was great to meet you and I look forward to keeping in touch.
Well you KNOW I would find your blog sooner or later! Glad it was so soon! Cute blog! And you are STILL teaching at that one Jr. High, I see....CRAZY! I am teaching at a Jr. High, this will be my 3rd year, and I'm really loving it!!!! That video of Connell w/ the dog was crazy...& I told Marlena that wasn't Eddie (I can tell a bulldog when I see one...). She said she found Jared on her myspace and that he just got hitched...good for him! Funny how time flies and everyone grows up so fast! The Lord has a way of leading us each down a different path, yet we all find our own happiness. Good to see things are going well for you....tell everyone hi for me!
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