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Delila Move over...
Well it finally happened! Connell cut his hair. Even now it was not his idea-no the powers that rule the Opryland Hotel told him to cut it. Now I just wonder how some of those girls in the kitchen look with their hair cut above their collar. This was a very traumatic event for my dearest friend- he has always been a good sport about losing his hair-as long as he could hold onto what he had- I really like it ! I think Connell is looking good! Now Eddie wants to get his do done too.
Can't wait to see him in person!
I am glad that they allowed him to keep some length on it (since that's all I've ever known). It looks great!
How's the diet going? I need some inspiration for my own... How do you stop snacking?!
You have to get your mind right. Decide and be stubborn. No whining! You know what to do- just like I do. My biggest problem is food and exercise. Ha! I mean what else is there? I couldn't get my mind right about the food so with this plan it is all pretty much done for me. NOW I've got to get the exercise down...dum dum dum.... I will email you the daily diary and serving guide...that is the heart of the program, but it won't work until you decide to commit yourself to it! Don't you just hate it??
Consider yourself tagged. See my blog for details.
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